If you want to share your love for Labradors, join the next generation of Lab Rescue volunteers!
Our volunteer youth program is a great way to learn about rescue while promoting Lab Rescue’s mission of providing educational services to the public, promoting responsible dog ownership, promoting humane treatment of Labs, and educating dog owners about training, spay/neuter and good canine citizenship!
Youth volunteers develop leadership skills, may earn community service learning hours, gain experience in working with rescue labs, and add valuable skills and knowledge to list on job and college applications.
There are a variety of ways to volunteer. Find what interests you from the list below then send us an email at labrescuesfbayarea@gmail.com. A volunteer will contact you within a couple of days.
If you want to be a buddy at Pet Fairs, there are a variety of ways to help:
- Educate prospective adopters about the dogs
- Provide companionship to the Labs
- Fill water bowls!
- Take photos for our social media and newsletters!
If you want to volunteer in our office:
- Use your social media skills to promote Lab Rescue and get more Labs adopted!
- Use your Photoshop skills to help design, print, and email GGLRR newsletters
- Use your Word and Excel skills to help with general office work
- Help redo photos of the dogs
- Help spread the word on social media
- Help write articles for the GGLRR newsletters
Ways to help Lab Rescue at your school:
- Add service learning hours through volunteer work with Lab Rescue (check with your local school)
- Sponsor a Lab Rescue dog and help raise money or collect donations for Lab Rescue through your school community service club
- Ways to help Lab Rescue in general:
- Host birthday parties and collect donations for Lab Rescue!
- Sponsor a bake sale as a way to raise funds for Lab Rescue!
- Make homemade dog toys!
- Create projects that raise money and support Lab Rescue through your local Girl Scout/Boy Scout troop

We’re looking to our next generation of Lab Rescue volunteers, like you, to reach a time when no more Labs need to be rescued. Thanks for your interest in Lab Rescue’s Volunteer Youth Program!